Veggies to grow this autumn
Autumn is one of the best times of the year for growing healthy nutritious greens as well as a host of other veggies. What’s more, the veggies you can plant now in time for late autumn/winter harvest are perfect for adding to hearty winter meals that warm the soul and delight the senses.
Be sure to plant these veggies the very next opportunity you have to get into the garden.

Everybody loves spinach, but they aren’t necessarily aware of the fact that spinach doesn’t have the widest growing window of the leafy greens. The best time to plant spinach? Now. There are several lovely varieties you can grow in autumn, including Giant Noble. The perfect additive to winter salads.
Radishes are so simple to grow that any home gardener, novice or seasoned expert, will see them start to sprout after just six weeks. French Heirloom or Cherry Belle are two wholesome varieties, and radishes go amazingly in risottos, soups, grilled as a side dish to meats as well as pickled to enjoy with different styles of cuisine.
Snow peas
Home gardeners across the world will tell you: stopping yourself from eating deliciously sweet snow pea pods right off the tree is near-impossible! There is something about their texture that makes them so wonderful and especially when fresh, so get planting these little delights right on time for off-the-tree eating or a part of your Sunday roast.
Pak choi
Asian greens grow easily at this time of the year, and the legendary pak choi is no exception. Pak choi grows quickly and is perfect for adding to add kinds of delicious Asian dishes whether as a side or within the meal itself.
March and April are the perfect times to plant garlic, and why not? Fresh, homegrown garlic has a particularly wonderful taste and can be used in near-endless winter delicious from hearty lamb stews to Italian soups, curries and more.
Kale is perfect for planting from March to May and is an awesome repeat harvest vegetable. Kale took off in Australia in the past few years, partly because it is full of vitamins like A and C, as well as potassium, copper and manganese. Finally, it goes well in salads or soups, as well as making its own pretty tasty side when cooked with garlic and lemon.